Empowered Empath
This 4-week online workshop includes weekly live zoom calls, live forum facebook group, homework assignments, access to archived classes, and a tool kit delivered to you! Each class in this 4 week series will include meditation practice, instruction from your Mother/daughter team of teachers and interactive activities to uplift your energy and cultivate your practice to ensure great energy management.

Are you an empath? Are you overwhelmed with how to deal with ALL the energies that surround you? Do you know that your sensitivity is a gift but feel like your empathic qualities are getting the best of you? Are you confused about what is intuitive information and what is emotion? Do you really want to learn to have control over this and learn to manage it well so you can thrive?
Then this workshop might be for you!
Everything is energy and we perceive it through our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. We also read energy with our intuition even if we are not completely aware of it. With the multitude of energy in our world and our increasing sensitivities we can easily get overwhelmed!
Learn how to understand your intuitive and energetic interactions in the world. Learn some simple ways to identify energy imbalance and tools to use for each type of imbalance. Practice specific meditations, exercises and rituals to bring your empathic gifts into balance.

Meghan Morrison
first daughter, artist, poet, designer, yoga teacher and intuitive reader brings her old soul wisdom and practical application of mindfulness in real world experiences to the class. Integrating the principles of holistic healing on which she was raised she has achieved remarkable energy balance in her life and business practices.

Maggie Salter
is a Psychic Medium with over 30 years of experience in mind body spirit wellness, is a reader, mentor and spiritual coach. She raised her children with a holistic approach and encouraged them to find their passions. It’s no surprise that they have developed strong minds and wills to connect to their higher powers and to help others do the same.

Rue Rhodes
second daughter, singer, songwriter, actress, Intuitive card reader like every Gemini brings a duality of traits. One twin has a playful, childlike energy full of creativity and fun and the other is a wise soul full of deep intuitive wisdom and knowing. She has learned to thrive on her own journey to an empowered empath and found the tools, methods and practices to get her there!
Each class in this 4 week series will include meditation practice, instruction from your Mother/daughter team of teachers and interactive activities to uplift your energy and cultivate your practice to ensure great energy management. There will be assessments to help assist you, readings to give you insight and energy tools to guide you.
The Empowered Empath class will teach you how to embrace your empathic gifts and not be overwhelmed! It will guide you through the process of cultivating your sensitivities and understand which are intuitive messages and which are clues to better self care and it will teach you the tools to Mastery!