Intuitive Mentorship Program
Discover the Most Effective Tools to Develop Your Intuition,
understand it and use it in your daily life!
This 10 week remote program with live classes and pre-recorded videos will catapult your intuitive skills to the next level!
March 11, 2025​
Pre-recorded Video Lessons
Topics include: expanding awareness, improving trust, dreams, card reading, psychometry, beliefs, pendulum and kinesiology, automatic writing, angels & guides, and mediumship
Zoom Calls
Weekly live video calls to review video lessons, answer questions, share experiences, and practice to increase skills. All calls are recorded.
To define and refine your intuitive gifts and skills, you will be coached by Maggie and one or more of her Advanced Graduates throughout the course and during the Zoom calls.
What to expect
The Intuitive Mentorship Program will pull the veil back on your intuitive world and help you to understand the flood of information at your disposal and even teach you how to use to help yourself and others!
Individual and Group Assignments
Homework is given weekly to enhance the integration of the information. Students will work with one another to practice skills and get feedback.
Facebook Group Support
A private Facebook support group with continual postings to encourage and inspire assignments and practice will be shared with the group.
Video lessons and Zoom Calls are posted here for easy review.
Ongoing, support to clarify lessons and answer questions.
Intuition Toolkit
A specific tool kit of meditations, books and supplies to compliment your study and practice. A Swag Bag sent to your door!
In the Intuitive Mentorship Program, you’ll discover how to:
Identify your Intuitive styles and learn to use them!
Increase the occurrence of intuitive Information in your life!
Get out of your own way and trust your intuition!
Connect with your guides, angels, and spirits!
Receive messages for yourself and others!
Integrative practices to better apply your abilities to your daily life.
Read for others easily!
Here’s what graduates of this course have accomplished…
One of my students has now embrace her abilities as a medium and is doing circles and readings professionally and has opened a healing center to provide services to the community!
One woman now easily connects to her Mother on a regular basis and feels more grounded in her spiritual practice!
Another student has used her intuitive abilities to expand her writing, published her first e-book, and started a blog!
One student uses the confidence developed through the course to offer tarot readings professionally!
One lady added mediumship reading to her list of services!
Intuitive Mentorship Program, mod I
Identify your Intuitive styles and learn to use them!
Increase the occurrence of intuitive Information in your life!
Get out of your own way and trust your intuition!
Connect with your guides, angels, and spirits!
Receive messages for yourself and others!
Integrative practices to better apply your abilities to your daily life.
Read for others easily!
Once you have completed Mod 1 WHY take the IMP mod 2?
You want more practice and more specifics about what your messages mean.
You want to figure out a system that suits your skills to do readings professionally.
You want to develop your mediumship skills.
You want to get started using your skills as a business.
You want to be challenged and kept accountable in your spiritual practice.
You want to really hone those skills and use them purposefully.